
I began farming while living and working in England in 2008. I participated in something called Wwoofing, also known as, World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. This was a great way to dip my feet into the wonderful world of farming, while also meeting new people and learning new skills. I worked with an internationally famous basket weaver in Scotland, a grumpy bee keeper in England and an Australian permaculturalist in Wales. All three places would eventually inform my decision to dedicate a full season of farming when I returned to the States.

In 2009, I signed up to apprentice at Genesis Farm in Blairstown, NJ. It was here that my love of the process of growing plants and harvesting food began. Real. Live. Food. Eventually, I would pack my bags and move up the coast to Brunswick, Maine to work with sheep on a farm called Crystal Spring Farm. I learned a lot working on these small sustainable farms and each day had glorious photo opportunities. I sometimes questioned which I liked better - the work or documenting it.

I hope you enjoy my snap shots. These small windows into day to day happenings on these farms. I do not full time farm anymore, but I have a deep respect for those who do.

